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Architecture Sans Frontières

An international network of not-for-profit and participative organizations with a commitment to architecture, construction, urbanism and the conservation of historical heritage. Includes charter, minutes and membership.


California Pottery & Tile Works

Continuing the tradition of California tile making and decoration perfected by the Malibu and Catalina Potteries. Custom studio producing historical reinterpretations of classic designs customized


Early Television Foundation

Early television hardware, restoration tips, database of prewar sets and historical TV information.


K.M. Weiland: Helping Writers Become Authors

Historical and speculative novelist K.M. Weiland offers tips and essays about the writing life, in hopes of helping other writers understand the in's and out's of the craft and the psychology behind the inspiration.


Design Cost Data Magazine

Publisher of estimating systems and historical construction cost data. Excerpts from the publication, and an on-line conceptual estimating system.

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