An account of "Green Children" and several other topics.
Details...Compact Dictionary of the Infinite
Infinity in astronomy, cosmology, physics, philosophy and religion.
Environmental anomalies. Updated reports about science, medicine, the environment and real X-Files.
A free educational forum dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information in the use of natural, non pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease conditions. Hidden science, free energy, Earth changes.
Details...Full Spectrum
Photographing the electromagnetic field around animate and inanimate objects using the Kirlian camera to show subtle energy fields.
Details...The Interactive On-line Encyclopaedia of the Unexplained
Information and articles, including cryptozoology, UFOs, crop circles, and ghosts.
Details...Interspecies Communication
Society engaged in efforts to communicate with higher level, nonhumans such as whales and dolphins.
Details...Is Native DNA A Helix?
Site presents the argument that the DNA helix theory is incorrect.
Lays out Gaian principles, discarding religious beliefs and the belief humans are superior to other life forms. Discusses Gnosticism and the alternative Grail.
Details...Onward to the Past
Examines the connections between ancient civilizations.
Details...Rupert Sheldrake - Author and Biologist
A biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books, best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance.
Details...Sedona Magnetic Anomalies
Research in Sedona, Arizona with regards to geomagnetic anomalies and vortex energy.
Details...Vastu Correction Without Demolition
Information about Vastu Science, Vastu corrections, Yantra.