Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog
Luigi Guarino and Jeremy Cherfas aim to include on this blog, nuggets of information on anything that relates to agrobiodiversity, and welcome contributions from others.
Details...Beginning Farmers
Online resource providing practical information and resources for starting, financing and running a small farm.
The use of autonomous, small robots in agriculture is expected to revolutionize field work. Professional, university or school teams are invited to enter their robots for an open-air field contest.
Web-based food defence network designed to enable departments of agriculture and health, as well as laboratories, to communicate and coordinate with their peers in the US and Canada.
Details...National Institute of Agricultural Botany
Independent UK body specialising in agriculture, horticulture and food. It supplies a number of services including consultancy, training, and technical advice to governments, supra-governmental agencies, agribusiness and farmers.
Details...Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Forestry
Provides resources for the integration of agriculture into urban planning. Website holds a number of papers and links to related sites.
Details...U.S. Department of Agriculture
Describes its main functions, and with a collection of links on current agricultural news and research.