Information about typography, free type utilities, articles on type and type design, and fonts for sale
Details...Arabic Type
Research on Arabic typography, its relationship to calligraphy and culture, and the development of new Arabic fonts
Details...Arabic typography
Arabic typographical experiments.
Details...FontExplorer X
Font management software that allows to manage server-based fonts. With trial downloads and support information.
Shareware package that views fonts (installed or not), prints font catalogs, manages fonts, and installs and uninstalls fonts quickly.
Online typeface identifier. Users are guided through a series of illustrated multiple-choice questions of features of a font to arrive at a font identification. Covers fonts from over 200 publishers; typefaces can also be looked up by name.
Makers of FontAgent, SiteSqueeze and ServerMatic. Depending on the product, versions exist for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS's 8, 9 and X. Free trials.
Details...Iseatech Software
Offers FontSuit, a font manager for Windows, and BitFontCreator which allows users to create bitmap fonts. With features list and answers to frequently asked questions.
Details...Lose Your Mind Development
Publishers of Printer's Apprentice, a professional font manager for TrueType and Adobe Type 1 font files, and other font utilities for Microsoft Windows.
Details...Neuber Software
Offers font utilities such as FontTwister and Typograf. Screenshots provided and frequently asked questions answered.
Search for free and commercial fonts on the web. Results comes with preview and download link.
Search engine for free fonts on the web. Search results come with preview and download URL.