Blackhawk Systems
Paperless shop floor management solution. Integrate realtime information to ERP systems via machine interfacing, barcoding and human intervention.
Develops and markets collaborative commerce application software that automates business-to-business collaboration.
Programming and software development focused on the enterprise market.
Details...E2E Technologies Ltd
Fully model-based, business-driven integration and automation of end-to-end processes.
Details...FlowCentric Solutions
Web-based business process management and workflow solutions for ERP integration
Details...FRENDS Technology Inc.
Offers a process-oriented integration tool for EAI and B2Bi integration.
Details...iCore Solutions AB
iCore Process Server is a middleware product suite for e-business and Application Integration. iCore Process Server supports XML, Web Services, EDIFACT, ANSIX12, SOAP, http, SMTP, X400, OFTP, ODBC, SQL and other integration and communication formats.
Details...Orion Open Systems
Specialist provider of enterprise-wide business software solutions focusing on Microsoft CRM and Microsoft Great Plains.
Details...Ponton Consulting
Provider of XML/Pipe, software that enables companies to directly carry out transactions with their partners via a secure exchange of XML messages.
Legislative and regulatory automation.
Details...Sirvisetti Systems
Provider of web services development and the integration platform AppTalk, which allows users to build business process automation solutions involving workflows to connect desperate enterprise applications in real-time.
Details...Vitria Technology, Inc.
eBusiness platform for automating cross-enterprise business processes including Business Process Management (BPM), Business-to-Business Communications (B2B), Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), and Real-time Analysis (RTA).