Alpha Software
Produces database products for Windows and DOS operating systems.
Details...Awaresoft Pty Ltd
Aware IM is an application platform that allows business people to create web database applications without the knowledge of programming and database design.
Details...Cardett Associates
Advanced Query Tool is designed for database developers and DBAs with particular features for DB2, Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server.
Details...Data Harmony, Inc.
A text based database company providing software and technical support for small and large business needs.
Details...DigerTech - DtSQL
Universal database tool to create, alter, browse and search database objects, execute SQL scripts and edit tables.
Details...FairCom Corporation
Cross platform database solutions.
Libraries for Linux and Unix that implement the Tabular DataStream protocol used by SyBase and Microsoft SQL Server. [LGPL]
Details...Innovative Routines International
Vendor of CoSORT (Unix and Windows NT sort software), netCONVERT (cross-platform file and data translation), and x-PRESS (cross-platform data compression).
Offers eXtremeDB, an in-memory and on-disk embedded database system for real-time and embedded applications; and Perst, an open source, object-oriented embedded database system for Java and .NET applications.
Details...SAS Institute
Integrated suite of information delivery software for business decision making including balanced scorecard, data warehousing, data mining, financial consolidation, knowledge management and Web enablement.
Object-relational cross-platform database engine by Paradigma Software.
Details...Vitaliy Levchenko Software
Data manipulation and reporting software. Allows to view, edit, print, sort, filter, export, import, convert, search, replace the data.
Details...Zoot Software
A multiple database storage model and provides a browser-like interface. Features a number of built-in databases.
Details...Infocon Systems
InfoCom System is a technology-driven, professionally managed & well-diversified IT Company having definite & competitive edge in IT system.